VA Weekend Redux
It's been a week now since the fun and festivities in Red Bank. I still my my friends from the View Askew web board, but life is returning to a semblance of normalcy. So here are some random Good Thing/Bad Thing memories from last weekend:
Good Thing: Seeing so many Boardies I knew again at the Dublin House before Thursday's Q&A.
Bad Thing: It was really hot upstairs and most people fled to the outdoor patio, where smoking was permitted.
Good Thing: I found out my seat at the Q&A was right next to my first Secret Santa, Zeta. She's a marvel.
Bad Thing: When I came back from the concession stand with bottled water for Zeta, Drena and I, Drena was in my aisle seat. She looked at me and said, "No, I'm sitting here. You're sitting over there," indicating her seat further in the aisle. Zeta, sweetie that she is, then asked, "Is it okay if you switch?" Despite the fact that I deliberately bought an aisle seat 'cuz I'm a big guy, I couldn't resist Zeta's charms. Of course, ten minutes into the Q&A, Drena disappeared and never returned. I didn't know that, so the seat I really wanted sat empty for almost the entire evening.
Good Thing: Sitting in Drena's seat placed me next to another Boardie -- the incredibly sexy Rob, with his towel and sandals. I immediately forgave Drena.
Good Thing: I offered my friend Adam a ride back to the hotel from the Q&A.
Bad Thing: I got lost. I always get lost in Jersey. The problem is, I only go every couple of years, just enough time to forget my bearings. I always try using the Mapquest directions that involve getting on the Garden State Tollway instead of the much-easier two-turn directions Ming always shares. Still, we eventually made it back, after a few missed turns.
Good Thing: Taking my friends Tanya and her hunky husband, Chris, into Red Bank with me for a pilgrimage to The Secret Stash and then following Ming's suggestion and getting lunch at a little Italian place called the New Corner.
Bad Thing: The dish I ordered at lunch had a LOT of garlic on it. My olfactory sense is still a bit addled by recent events and the pasta smelled like skunk. I still ate it of course and the taste was wonderful.
Good Thing: Being able to pick up some VA merch I'd been wanting, but knowing I could get it signed at The Stash.
Bad Thing: Going back to my car and discovering a parking ticket, despite having 2 hours and 2 minutes left on the meter!
Good Thing: Upon seeing me at the Browncoats Askew Big Damn Prom Shindig bash, my friend Gavin said, "You look younger."
Good Thing: Enjoying every single minute of the BCA bash, although I didn't watch that much Firefly. I stuck around and helped Tami and Gavin clean up.
Good Thing: Changing, then going down to Kelvin's birthday soiree in Morgan's. I wasn't there long before the party got hooked to another location, but I got a big hug from Chay as she was leaving. I decided I had imbibed enough and went to bed. The hotel had Sci-Fi, so I think I fell asleep to Doctor Who.
Good Thing: I sat around in the lobby Saturday, chatting with Boardies and eventually went into Morgan's for some lunch. The service left something to be desired, but the club sandwich was pretty good. As I sat munching and reading some comics, the Beeftrain Incident guys joined me. God, these cats reminded me of me in my mid-to-late 20's.
Bad Thing: When I went back to my room to get ready for prom, there was NO HOT WATER! My room was pretty cool from cranking the AC, so the cold shower was not fun.
10,000 Good Things: Prom. 'Nuff said.
The drive home, feeling hungover and dehydrated wasn't exactly fun, but worthy penance for the night before. I stupidly almost ran out of gas in PA, doing that, "I can make it one more exit" thing. Note to self: Exits on I-80 in Pennsylvania can be few and far between. Idiot!
As you can tell, Good Things vastly outweighed the minor annoyances I encountered last weekend. Heck, I chalk these up to the little bad things all of life throws at us every day to help us appreciate the positives.
And, speaking of positives, here is my little tribute to the Hunks of VA Prom 2007:

Not a comprehensive representation by any means, but taken from the photos I have on hand. I'll work on a Hot Ladies of VA Prom when I've had more coffee. There's more to choose from, in my humble opinion.