2007 Red Bank Adventure: Day 2 BCA Party

There weren't any "official" ViewAskew events on Friday, but there were plenty of unofficial ones. I spent the morning hanging out in the hotel lobby and restaurant and hooking up with old friends. Then, I went into Red Bank with my friend Tanya and her husband, Chris. We made the obligatory stop at the Secret Stash and then had lunch at The New Corner for some really excellent Italian food.
The only negative of the weekend occurred when we got back to my car. Despite still having 2 hours and 2 minutes on the meter, I somehow got a parking ticket for having an expired meter!
Then, back to the hotel in time for the Browncoats Askew (BCA) party, also known as the Big Damn Prom Shindig. This was fantastic! Not only did I get to spend time with some of my favorite people AND make new friends AND win fabulous prizes, the group raised $500 for charity! I even managed to watch a couple of episodes of Firefly. I was one of only two people to wear their knit Jayne hats. Considering that it was still friggin' hot out and the room's AC couldn't keep up with all the body heat being generated, I had to take it off frequently.
Door prizes included an actual Fruity Oaty Bar, like those in the Serenity movie, a Chinese takeout box chock full of all kinds of chochkes, fortune cookies with Firefly-themed fortunes, and more. I won three raffle prizes; a copy of Serenity #1 signed by Nathan Fillion, a copy of Firefly #2 signed by Ron Glass and a signed photo of Nathan and Morena. I also managed to snag a Firefly shot glass! Quite a haul!! Throw in pizza and booze and it was an evening of 100% pure fun.
At 8:00 the BCA shindig wound down and a birthday party for Kelvin, a cute young Scottish Boardie, started in the hotel lounge. I went down for a bit of that until about midnight, when it was time for this old fart to call it a night.
Did I mention that some of the guys I met at the BCA party introduced me to a new drink obsession? It's called an Irish Car Bomb. You drop a shot glass of 1/2 Bailey's and 1/2 Jameson's into a glass of Guinness, then chug it. Delicious and oh, so bad for you! Kudos to the guys from The Beeftrain Incident for hooking me up with these!
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