Geek Room Update
The big push was to get my Geek Room finished before my guests arrived for the Kevin Smith event. Now that that has come and gone, I've been making little adjustments to the room -- mostly to satisfy my OCD, er.. I mean sense of aesthetics.

I added a Phoenix poster to the front of the door, since I couldn't find a good "Abandon Hope..." sign. Why? Because Jean Grey and the original Phoenix saga rocked!

Nothing much different when you first enter the room. Seeing my Spock bear wearing GIANT headphones always gives me a guffaw. And I added my Jayne hat, which every true Browncoat will recognize.

As I mentioned in my original Geek Room post, I moved one of the "V for Vendetta" posters to complement the wall grouping I already assembled. The Venom black light poster doesn't currently have a new home. Instead, I hung...

The "Evening With Kevin Smith 2: Evening Harder" poster I got from a fellow VA Board member. Kev, after all, is The Man.

I rearranged some things on the bookcases and took this photo to document them.

It wasn't until I started assembling my Geek Room that I realized how much Green Arrow and Green Hornet stuff I had. GA has long been one of my favorite characters; something about blonds with beards and hairy chests wearing tights just does it for me, I guess. Who knew?

And here's a close-up of my Justice Society of America figures. Roy Thomas has long been one of my favorite writers and I consider his run on the JSA as the definitive work on the group. It was certainly his work that made me a fan of the group, throughout its many incarnations.
That's it for now. It's a sunny, relatively warm day here in Ohio and I thin Jake and I will take advantage of that fact. Geek Room be damned!
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