CeltTim's BlogSpot

The rantings and life stuff of an ordinary guy with an extraordinary vocabulary.

Monday, October 23, 2023

McDonald's Halloween Pail Update

It's been a minute since I did anything with this blog, but my boyfriend, Lokii, loved reading my previous entries about my collection of Halloween buckets, so I thought I'd post a quickie update.
Last year (2022) McDonald's brought back their Halloween pails after a 6-year absence. The designs copied the set from 1989, but continuing the dreaded "sticker sheet" topper with handles designed to mimic the originals' beloved lids. Honestly, these were a fun return to form, even if I really miss the lids.

For 2023, McDonald's released FOUR all-new designs, with the same kind of printed wrap-around faces as last year. These seem frustratingly designed to be slightly off from looking at the bucket straight-on with the handle, but I appreciate the effort. And yes, sticker sheet toppers are included again.
This year Funko made use of their McDonald's license with an NYCC exclusive McNugget with Halloween Pails Pop. Their Loungefly brand released purses/bags with the 1989 pail designs but at more than $100 each, I decided to pass. However, I did manage to snag the limited (1,000 pieces) edition pin and it looks especially sharp!

And finally, in 2023 Burger King tested their own Halloween pail in select markets. Their's features a ghost pepper and glows in the dark. More in 2024, BK sez I!!!

My original posts can be found:
  • 2016 Peanuts Pails
  • 2014 Book of Life Pails
  • 2013 Angry Birds & Monster High Pails
  • 2012 Scooby Doo Pails
  • McDonald's Halloween Pails 1985 - 2010
  • Saturday, September 02, 2017

    So... Photobucket Sucks!

    I came here this morning to add a new post about my trip to California and discovered all my photos stored on Photobucket now cannot be viewed outside of that application. Suddenly, you have to upgrade to use 3rd party hosting. Okay, I thought. It's a pain in the ass, but I have used Photobucket for years and they have reams of my personal photos. Whatever.

    The price for using the same service I have used free for over a decade? $400/year!!!

    Thanks, Photobucket, for holding my pictures hostage, but no thanks. Had the price been more reasonable, I would have begrudgingly paid it. Eff off. Now, I'm looking for another resource.

    P.S. I used to upload my photos directly to Blogspot, I mean Blogger. But those get deleted after some time. As a result, many of my oldest posts don't have photos, either. Huzzah. Since no one really reads this thing, maybe I should just call it a day and abandon the damn thing.

    Sunday, July 09, 2017

    Blog Catchup

    It's been months since my last posting. Months filled with loss and despair and joy and sadness and fulfillment. Let's see...

    I Lost Lori
    My "Sister from a Different Mister," Lori Reynolds passed away in hospice on December 12, 2016. I was privileged to spend time with her in her final days, taking her for wheelchair rides and holding her hand. Toward the end, when she lapsed into her final coma, all I could do was sit beside her, hold her hand and sing "Amazing Grace" to her. The photo above is how I remember her, from happier times. This is how she looked at hospice:
    Fuck cancer. It was Lori's passing that made updating this blog so difficult. I wanted to write a memorial to her every day, but writing seemed to make it real. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Needless to say, this dampened my enthusiasm for Christmas and New Year's Eve. Lori's memorial service was April 8th at the Cuyahoga Falls Eagles. Here is a link to her obit on Ohio.com.

    I Gained a Roommate and a Cat
    In February, my buddy Joe moved in with his cat, Dirt. Joe's home situation was deteriorating and he needed to save money for his planned May move to Los Angeles with his girlfriend, Jade. I have lived alone the vast majority of my life, so I was worried about the compromises that would be required to share living space with not one, but two sentient creatures. Fortunately, I love Joe well and truly like a little brother, so that part wasn't too difficult.

    Dirt, though, was another matter. I had to overcome my cat allergy and adapt to his curiosity about everything in his new home. He liked to eat my houseplants. Several he just dumped onto the floor. He was into everything/anything. But something weird happened as the weeks flew by. With Joe spending increasing more time Jade's house, Dirt and I started to bond. When I came home in the evening, he was waiting for me at the door, wanting attention. When I sat at the dining room/office table, he would paw at me, wanting to be held and petted. I grew to love the sound and feel of his purr. In the final weeks before they finally moved to L.A. on June 26th, he slept beside me and walked between my feet in the morning, trying to get me to stay with him. I can now honestly say that I miss him intensely.
    And of course, I miss Joe. Saying goodbye to him was the hardest thing I had done since Lori died. Don't get me wrong, I am happy he chose to follow his dreams with the woman he loves. I just miss him so much. Here he is with Jade, just before they left:
    And here he is from a modeling photoshoot he did a few weeks before his departure:
    I'm so proud of him!

    SAP Project Consumed My Life
    I was put in charge of my company's conversion from PeopleSoft to SAP last year. Starting in March, I was working 10-12 hours days all week with at least another 4 on Saturdays. The 50-60 hour weeks were hard, but I had a good team and we got the work done. Starting Friday, June 30th, I worked 12 straight days, most at 16 hours each. The project went live on Wednesday, July 5th and implementation was successful, even smooth, by most accounts.

    Among my many duties was making sure the Project Team of up to 20 people got lunch during the project phase and 3 meals per day during GoLive implementation. Of course, this meant lots of pizza and sub and Chinese delivery, seldom healthy options. Long work days + bad food + exhaustion + lack of gym time = sad Tim. Time to get back to my healthy routine.

    Looking ahead
    I plan to take a couple of weeks off work in August. I'm going to L.A. for a week to visit Joe & Jade & Dirt. After that, I will hit either San Francisco or Seattle. In October, my employer is moving locations and I need to oversee the I.T. infrastructure. Huzzah, another major, time-consuming project to look forward to!

    Saturday, November 26, 2016

    Note to Myself: Mystery Boxes Not Worth the Mystery

    So, my obsession for Funko Pops led me to seeking out the season's Mystery Boxes from Gamestop and Walmart. Note to self: don't do that again!

    The Walmart boxes were easy enough to get -- they appeared at my local store in Stow a few days before Black Friday. At $20 each, I picked up three, hoping to get the Killer Croc Impopster Pop Vinyl. The first box I opened held:
    Huzzah! The Pop I wanted and some other stuff that I didn't care about. The next two boxes held the same thing. All the Walmart boxes had the same pop, despite the multitude of logos on the outside. Had I known this, I would have settled for one box.

    Then on Thanksgiving night/Black Friday morning, my buddy Nick convinced me at 2;30 a.m. to drive to North Canton and wait outside the Gamestop store until it opened at 5:00 a.m. I bought three of the boxes, again at $20 each, hoping for a metallic yellow Power Ranger Pop. What I got was:
    Two different Dragon Ball Z Pops and other stuff I didn't care about. Neither Nick nor I ended up with the Yellow Power Ranger or the chase gold variant.

    Other than the one Impopster figure I actually wanted, I sold the rest on eBay. After making some poor selling choics, I ended up breaking even and (hopefully) learning my lesson. Screw Mystery Boxes.

    We'll see if I remember that lesson the next time Hot Topic releases some cool ones...

    Thursday, November 24, 2016

    I went to the Dark Side. They had cake.

    I find your lack of ice cream disturbing...

    The Darh Vader on my cake actually makes the respirator sound! I posted the video on my Instagram and Facebook.

    So yeah, the year, my birthday falls on Thanksgiving, just like it did the year I was born. Huzzah.

    In other news, I am actually contemplating doing a bit of Black Friday shopping. I have obviously lost my damn mind.

    Tuesday, November 22, 2016

    The Country's Current Mood:

    Strange Brew by John Deering nailed it.

    Sunday, November 20, 2016

    The Story of My Life...