CeltTim's BlogSpot

The rantings and life stuff of an ordinary guy with an extraordinary vocabulary.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Brokeback Redux

Just a quick note, typed while I should be getting ready for work. Yesterday, I bought Brokeback Mountain, which will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me or to anyone who has read this blog. I watched, no devoured, the entire disk last night.

First I watched all the extras, since that was material I'd never seen before. Nothing terribly surprising, but lots of footage of Jake, which is never a bad thing.

Then, I settled in and watched the film again. About halfway through, I started to wonder if it was having the same emotional impact that it had all those times I saw it in the theatre. I didn't seem to feel as moved as I had. Maybe it had finally run its course with me.

Then came the stamped postcard scene. And it all came flooding back.

When the movie was over, I let the credits play while I did something I couldn't at the theatre. I sobbed, long and loud.

Nope, Brokeback hasn't lost its grip on me yet.