Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Surviving Black Friday Drivers
Black Friday sucks.
Oh, the shopping is hellacious, that's true. I hadn't planned on any early morning shenanigans (or middle-of-the-night shenanigans, this year) but when I awoke at 5:00, I remembered that there were some cheap DVD's on sale at Best Buy I might like to get. So, I dressed and went to my local Yellow Big Box Store and discovered crowds, long lines and no DVD's. So, I went home.
Much later, I needed to run some errands, including a trip to the DMV to get my license tags renewed. As I ran my errands, I couldn't believe the idiocy of drivers in town and on the highways. I have raged about bad drivers before, but this was unusually insane. I couldn't drive a block without seeing lousy driving. All I could do was use my best defensive driving skills to prevent myself from being victimized by the morons.
I saw numerous people make right-hand turns from the left lane, across three lanes of traffic. Ya know the "2-second rule" for safe braking? I lost count of how many times people used that space to cut in front of me or cut me off. I followed one woman (from an increasing distance) who signaled a turn, put on her brakes, and then decided to keep going forward. She did this three times and then finally did make a turn -- without signaling! Incredible. People ran red lights with wild abandon. Insanity.
I get that people are probably sleep-deprived, hyped up on caffeine and anxious to jet to the next sale. Truly, I get that. But, THOSE PEOPLE SHOULD STAY OFF THE FRIGGIN' ROAD!!!
Seriously. 'Nuff said.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Capt. America Movie: Good News/Bad News Edition
The Good News:
One of my favorite actors, Chris Evans, was signed to star as Steve Rogers aka Captain America. The actor rose to the physical challenge of such an imposing role by stepping up his workouts and vowing to increase his muscle mass.
The Bad News:

Evans shaved his chest for the role. I'm in mourning.