Surviving Black Friday Drivers
Black Friday sucks.
Oh, the shopping is hellacious, that's true. I hadn't planned on any early morning shenanigans (or middle-of-the-night shenanigans, this year) but when I awoke at 5:00, I remembered that there were some cheap DVD's on sale at Best Buy I might like to get. So, I dressed and went to my local Yellow Big Box Store and discovered crowds, long lines and no DVD's. So, I went home.
Much later, I needed to run some errands, including a trip to the DMV to get my license tags renewed. As I ran my errands, I couldn't believe the idiocy of drivers in town and on the highways. I have raged about bad drivers before, but this was unusually insane. I couldn't drive a block without seeing lousy driving. All I could do was use my best defensive driving skills to prevent myself from being victimized by the morons.
I saw numerous people make right-hand turns from the left lane, across three lanes of traffic. Ya know the "2-second rule" for safe braking? I lost count of how many times people used that space to cut in front of me or cut me off. I followed one woman (from an increasing distance) who signaled a turn, put on her brakes, and then decided to keep going forward. She did this three times and then finally did make a turn -- without signaling! Incredible. People ran red lights with wild abandon. Insanity.
I get that people are probably sleep-deprived, hyped up on caffeine and anxious to jet to the next sale. Truly, I get that. But, THOSE PEOPLE SHOULD STAY OFF THE FRIGGIN' ROAD!!!
Seriously. 'Nuff said.
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