A Very Special Boss's Day Episode

I seldom cross-post what I put on Facebook, but I wanted to capture this event for posterity. Friday, I walked into work and halfway down the isle to my little acre of the Cube Farm, I saw my cubicle decorated in streamers and balloons. "Uh oh," I thought. "My staff got some bad information and think today is my birthday. What do I do? Do I pretend it is and next month quietly let my real birthday slide by?
I shouldn't have worried. The blue, aqua and green decorations were to celebrate Boss's Day, a 'holiday" that had stealthily approached, leaving me completely unaware. "Wow!' I exclaimed upon entering my cube. In addition to the decorations, my staff has also left a sign, taped to one of my monitors:

eliciting another "Wow!" and left a card (third "Wow.") and what appeared to be a lovely plant in a vase (fourth "Wow!"). The ribbon tied around the neck of the vase matched the streamers and was tied like a man's necktie. The stones in the bottom of the vase also reflected hues of greens and blues. Then, came the final and loudest "WOW!" when I realized the vase also doubled as a fishbowl for a Siamese (also called Japanese) Fighting Fish aka a Betta.

I was moved almost to tears. Almost.
I named the fish "Dood."
I said it on Facebook and I'll say it again here: my staff rocks!
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