Megacon 2010: Tovey or Not Tovey?
I just got back from MegaCon in Orlando, and boy are my arms tired!
Ugh. I can't even get an old standard right, that's how tired I am. This is my second Mega, a trip that combines the opportunity to see the comic/media convention, hang with friends from the ViewAskew web board ("Boardies") and mine my choice of theme parks from Orlando's rich vein of expensive madness.
MegaCon had several allures for me this year. The show always has a good selection of vendors, although the Big Comic Book Companies ignore anything smaller than San Diego's insanity. This year, the media guest list leaned heavily toward the Star Trek actors: Brent ("Data/Lore") Spiner, John ("Q") de Lancie, Robert ("EMH Doctor") Picardo, Levar ("Geordi Laforge") Burton and this lovely lady:

(The inscription, in metallic gold ink, reads: Tim - Blessings & Love, Nichelle Nichols.)
Guests also included Star Wars actors, like Billy Dee Williams, Ray Park and Jeremy Bulloch. Farscape's Virginia ("Zhaan") Hey was also a guest I looked forward to meeting. (Ironically, when I approached her, she completely ignored me and continued talking to someone at her table. After a few minutes of standing there uncomfortably, I walked away. Feh.)
But the guest I most wanted to meet was Brit actor Russel Tovey, Midshipman Alonso Frame in two episodes of Doctor Who and werewolf George Sands in Being Human.

I met Russel first on Saturday and found him to be a warm, friendly young man who seemed unfazed by all the convention weirdness going on around him, including the Mooby outfits my group was wearing. When I went back to the con on Sunday, I walked past the signing area several times and saw no one approaching Russel. Several times, I noticed all the other booths doing brisk business while Russel and his handler (his Father?) sat chatting alone at their table. One of the con vendors had a headshot of Russel as Alonso, so I bought it and chatted Russel up a bit while he signed. He liked the headshot and seemed ever warmer and more engaging that the previous day. I may have swooned, just a bit.

Of course, the weekend also featured lots of time with friends I get to see infrequently, chatting, playing Circle of Death, playing (or in my case, mostly watching others play) Rock Band and just generally goofing off. I shared a room at our townhouse (one of two "quiet" houses) with my friend Bill, who brought his iPod to drown out my snoring, Gods love him. Also in our house: James, who spent the weekend acting as our chauffeur (for which he will always have my gratitude,) Drena and Christina who counteracted all our testosterone.
I also got to break out my largely-unused cooking skills. We had a potluck dinner at the other quiet house Friday evening. I cooked a pot roast, with potatoes, onions and carrots. It was a big hit. I also made breakfast casserole Sunday morning for my housemates.
Speaking of cooking, whenever you throw together this many disparate people 24/7 for several days, you have a recipe for drama. There was some of that. It's inevitable. But, I love all those people, so no amount of drama was going to spoil my time with them.
I'll post some photos of them wonderful folks after I get some rest and convince Jake that I'm not leaving him again.
Oh, and if you ever get a chance to meet Russel Tovey -- take it. He's a good bloke.