Countdown to Chicago
Okay, have you seen Clerks II yet? Go. Seriously. It's a good flick.
Next weekend, I'm off to my favorite big city, Chicago, for the Wizard World Chicago comic convention. I went in 2004, primarily to see Kevin Smith and to meet some people from his ViewAskew Board. I had a blast and made some terrific friends. This year, I get to spend a weekend with some of those friends, particularly Tammy aka LouieGirl. She is such a sweetie -- truly one of my favorite sapiens on the planet. Renfest Karla, who always exudes fun and frolic, will be there too. And I'll get to meet some new VA peeps. Oh, and see Kevin again.
I am not a stalker.
Hopefully, I will also get a chance to fill in some holes in my comic collection. JC always does a great job of pulling for me, but every once in a while, something slips through the cracks.
So my next posting here will most likely be a recap of Wizard World. Geeks unite!