CeltTim's BlogSpot

The rantings and life stuff of an ordinary guy with an extraordinary vocabulary.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Chicago Comic Con 2013 Pros and Cons

My 2013 Comic Con experience was different from previous years. I sprang for the John Barrowman VIP Experience, tried a new hotel, the Westin O'Hare, and came to Chicago directly after spending four days in Monterrey, Mexico for work.

The Mexican experience was a harsh one -- four days in new, non-broken in steel-toed shoes had pretty much trashed my feet, just in time for the usual expectation of LOTS of con walking. That walking was further complicated by my hotel choice, as you will see below.

There were plenty of good things and not-so-good things about the weekend, so let's weigh the Pros and Cons:

VIP Experience:
Pros: The included autograph and photo op were nice, though these can be purchased by anyone. VIP's get preferential (or first) access to these perks. However, they sell so many of the packages that that benefit may not be as attractive as you imagine. For example, I showed up at the Q&A 20 minutes early and still couldn't sit in the VIP center section. Luckily, John moves around on stage a lot, so I still got to see him pretty well.
Cons: The "get in early" benefit is pure advertising hogwash. Thursday I waited just as long in line to get my badge and wristband. It was a separate and shorter line, but no early entry either for badge or show. Same story on Friday -- separate line and entry when the show opened. Again, the VIP line entered first, but no earlier. Apparently, this benefit is only for Saturday and Sunday, a fact not mentioned in the solicitation materials.
Decision: Draw. I might do the VIP thing again if I have the money and it is for someone, like JB, that I really want to see.

Wizard Convention:
Pros: The show was split into two floors this year, which allowed for wider aisles and a less crowded floor. I liked this a lot. There was a lounge with couches, cool bean bag chairs and charging stations. Big bag of win here. Rosemont has added lots of new ATMs on the convention floor, which was helpful, if the $4 fee stung a bit. The lady at the Wizard information booth was genuinely helpful and volunteers seemed much more prepared than they had been at previous Wizard cons.
Cons: Most of these are common to every con. Food concessions are over-priced, restrooms are overused and under-cleaned, yatta, yatta, yatta. The queuing up thing never gets any better, especially when you pay the big bucks for the VIP tickets. Other than John Barrowman, there wer a couple of other celebs I wanted to get autographs from but repeated trips to their empty booths proved fruitless (I'm looking at you, Eddie McClintock & Aaron Ashmore.)
Decision: Pro. I'll be back.

John Barrowman:
Pros: John was delightful and just had so much fun with his fans. At the autograph booth, he had Scott and his parents with him. He was gracious and engaging when we chatted while he signed my stuff. (I used my ticket for a signed 8x10 and brought with me a vortex manipulator, a copy of his book, "Anything Goes" and the Torchwood Encyclopedia that I had Gareth and Kai sign a couple of years earlier. (These set me back $40 per signature, but it was worth it.) At the photo op, he took outrageous photos, like this one with me:
At the Q&A he was warm, patient and hilarious. As usual, he and Scott dropped trou and showed off their undies. He had a great deal of fun talking to and interacting with his parents in his Scottish accent. The story about his mother duck-farting in the hotel hallway in front of another guest was outrageous. Barrowman is larger than life. Period.
Cons: There is no downside to John Barrowman. He's out, he's proud, he's married to his partner, get over it.
Decision: PRO.

Westin O'Hare:
Pros: The AAA rate for this hotel was especially attractive at $88/night. They have a shuttle to and from O'Hare. The rooms are beautiful, the service is fine. Three restaurants are within easy walking distance: McDonald's, Pancakes Eggcetera (fabulous breakfasts!) and Giordano's. The hotel's e-mail communication is wonderful. The Business Center in the hotel in one of the best I have ever encountered in any hotel in the world.
Cons: This is one of the hotels on River Road farthest from the convention center, yet they do not have a shuttle to the convention center, unlike much closer hotels. Staff all repeat the "it isn't that much of a walk" mantra, which on a hot day is BS. There is a free city circulator bus at the blue line station three blocks away which takes the long way to the convention center and seems to have an erratic schedule. I waited 45 minutes for a bus in front of the convention center, only to have a full bus stop that I couldn't get on. The driver said that the next bus was right behind her. "Right behind" was another 20 minute wait. With my feet in their banged-up shape, I opted to take a cab from the hotel to Stephens before my photo op so I wouldn't greet John sweaty. With tip, that little trip cost me $10. Outrageous. Also, the hotel doesn't have free wi-fi. The cheapest, basic package (no video, limited data) was $7.99. The restaurant, The Benchmark, has excellent, but vastly over-priced food. The breakfast buffet was $22. Egad.
Decision: Con. I really like this hotel and would be happy to pay a higher rate to get my two main issues fixed. But because of the lack of a convention center shuttle and because of the paid internet, I won't be back. Sad face.

Friends - Carlos:
Pros: I always feel validated and engaged with Carlos. Our conversations are sparkling and the other stuff is always outstanding.
Cons: Carlos cancelled getting together Thursday night, then tried to cancel his cancellation. Ugh. Instead, we spent Friday night and part of Saturday together, which was fun. I could have withstood less talk about his current dating prospect, but whatever. There was one particular activity I looked forward to and prepared for extensively that never happened, which was disappointing. The other activity was fine, just not as satisfying. I usually feel that I am just the soup du jour on Carlos' daily menu and this visit proved no different.
Decision: Provisional Pro. I long ago decided that Carlos is the spice added to a Chicago trip, never the main course. No change there.

(Why are all my Carlos metaphors food-related?)

Friends - Tammy & JR:
Pros: Tammy is one of my favorite people on the planet. We always pick up right where we left off. I love giving her hugs and talking to her about our shared OCD and love of the English language and memories of Kevin Smith. JR is always a patient, gregarious addition to our time together. I love these folks.
Cons: None. Time with Tammy and JR is always, Always, ALWAYS a good thing.
Decision: 100% Pro.

I am typing this at the hotel on Sunday morning. My flight out leaves at 4:30 and I haven't decided if I'm going back to the con to get those last two signatures. Perhaps I will write an addendum when I get home and scan my Barrowman photo for this entry.

I met and talked with Eddie McClintock and Aaron Ashmore on Sunday. Both were personable and interesting. I may scan their signed photos later and post here.

Getting out of Chicago was a nightmare. Note to self: Never fly United again. Long story short - flight cancelled after numerous delays, no compensation offered, all other flights for the next two days full, I rented a car, spent $300 and drove home. Ugh.