CeltTim's BlogSpot

The rantings and life stuff of an ordinary guy with an extraordinary vocabulary.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Another Holiday Under My Belt

Christmas 2012 was supposed to be a low-key, no decorating and no-to-almost-no gifts affair. My nephews are all grown and married or living with baby-momma and kids. My friends understand that my impending unemployment means I need to be careful with money.

However, my brother got me word that two of the three nephews gifted me anyway. So in addition to buying "stuff" for my brother and a few things for Mike, Kiehl and Tim, I needed to do something last-minute for the 'phrews.

I got some news the Friday before Christmas that put me in more of a holiday spirit. More on that as it develops. So, I found myself doing some shopping, wrapping, watching Christmas specials and listening to Christmas music. I brought out my grandmother's ceramic tree and my collections of Christmas snowglobes and Santa Pez dispensers.

Sunday, "The Boys" came over and we exchanged gifts. Michael in particular seemed to have ignored my plea to "keep it simple this year." Kiehl could only stay a short time before heading to work, but Mike and Tim and I went to Dontino's for Italian food and conversation, then back here for cocktails.

Monday night, the family met at Royal Buffet for our annual Christmas Eve Chinese food dinner. This year, the nephews brought their wives/mates and kids. Everyone got along, at least temporarily, and a good time was had by all.

(One of my nephews gave me the Doctor Who Journal of Impossible Things, prompting his wife to ask why he bought me a "kids toy." Have you met me, I asked? I'm the biggest kid you will ever meet.)

The photo above shows off all my Christmas swag. In addition to DVDs and books and toys, there are three bottles of wine, including one named "Bitch." Plus sci-fi stuff, comic book stuff and, well, stuff-stuff.

Christmas Day, I went to Missie's for a bit to hang with she, her roomie Jeff and her friend Angie. We played Trivial Pursuit (Ang and I won) but the head cold I have been fighting was starting to move into my chest and I just wasn't feeling festive. I was home early and on the sofa, drugged to the gills with antihistamines.

Hopefully, the cold moves on before New Year's Eve. Not sure what I'm doing yet. I'll let ya know.