Musical Dreams and Other Musings
Last night I dreamed I created sentient music. There were four songs, actually the choruses of four songs, that gained sentience and became alive. They propagated by infecting the minds of their listeners, who got the tunes "stuck in their heads" and whistled and hummed the living music in the presence of others, thus spreading the music further. The music was beautiful and benign.
I watched The Matrix again last night. The movie still holds up. I was once again struck by the hairy-chested redhead, Choi, who buys software from hacker Neo and, with his "white rabbit" girlfriend, take Neo to the club where he meets Trinity.
The actor who portrayed Choi was credited as Marc Gray but according to imdb, that is a pseudonym for Marc Aden who apparently also goes by the combined name of Marc Aden Gray. (Dude, how can I cyber-stalk you if you don't stick with one name? Sheesh.) Gray is a major hottie, and I'm not really into redheads. Alas, I can't find any decent photos of him, sitting back in the club baring his chest and having one of his companions light his cigarette for him. Here's the best I could do:

Note: doing a Google Image serach on Marc Aden brings up photos of gay pornstar Aden Jaric. Interesting...
In self-destructive news, Saturday I threw my back out lifting/dumping the grass catcher bag from my lawn mower. Also, I seem to have pinkeye. And tomorrow I leave on a business trip to New York and Connecticut. Huzzah.