Before the season slips away, I wanted to take some photos and capture my Halloween decor for posterity...

(Above) Most visitors enter through and spend time in my living room, so that's where the bulk of the decorations reside.

The stairs to the bedrooms feature my colection of McDonald's Happy Meal Halloween Pails, with at least one of each offering, starting in 1986. And at the top of the stairs...

...the first three pails offered in 1985 and repeated in 1986 (bottom row) and the final years' pails, including the awful last year which featured a cardboard ring rather than a lid. But, it had that cool "bat-handle" so there's that.

My large downstairs bookcase is topped with Gargoyle Gulch...

...while the small bookcase includes my new favorite knick-knack, the pumpkin snowman. I've had a Halloween doormat for years with a pumpkin snowman on it and finding the figure this year was a cool case of serendipity.

Around the base of my gargoyle fountain I created a lighted pumpkin patch, although I have more electric pumpkins scattered around the house.

The downstairs bathroom is decorated in Halloween rubber duckies.

And while there are additional holiday items throughout the house, the final one I will post here is...

...the wine bar in the kitchen.

Here's a kind of artsy shot of one of my favorite things... a lighted ceramic Wizard of Oz Scarecrow.
I hope your Halloween or Samhain or Dia de Los Muertos was everything you wanted it to be.