Memorial Day Weekend
In America, the summer season is framed by two holidays: Memorial Day and Labor Day. Although summer doesn't start officially for another month, you'd never know that in Northeast Ohio. The days are warm with occasional showers and the evenings are cool. Today has been gorgeous. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the air smells of freshly mowed grass and barbecues.
Saturday, my brother, Tom, my youngest nephew, Pat and I took up our grandparents' tradition and went to the cemeteries and trimmed around headstones, washed markers and left flowers. In addition to my grandparents and my Mom, we also located my biological grandfather's grave (Arthur C. Holland) in Cuyahoga Falls and my great-uncle's (Russell Foster) almost-overgrown headstone in the same cemetery as my friend Mark Willsey. Although I never met Art or Russell, they live in the memories of the stories my grandmother told. I also made a sabbatical to my friend Sean Cannon's grave in Uniontown.
Yesterday I did some lawn work, and visited my friends Jim & Marlo Nighman at their new house. The actual move is next weekend, so they were busy painting and cleaning. Then last night, I watched my own Firefly mini-marathon, catching the following episodes: "Jaynestown," "Out of Gas," "Ariel," "Trash," "The Message" and "Objects in Space." No matter how many times I watch this program, it never ceases to grab my attention. Amazing stuff.
So far today I've clipped some hedges, fed the birds, played online and took one of the most relaxing naps ever. Jake is a bit out of sorts -- this morning he was all set to go to daycare, not to have his Dad around the house all day. I really need to buckle down and get my materials together for the ASL class that starts next week. I still need to clean up the code on my Charon's Map web pages and add two more for Art Holland and Russell Foster.
It's just so damn pretty outside! I'd much rather sit on the patio with a cool drink in my hand and my faithful canine lifemate at my feet. What to do, what to do?