I Wonder Why the Wonder Falls on Me?

I'm always late to the party on really good TV programs. I originally thought Star Trek: The Next Generation was a boring rip-off. Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- a TV show from that silly movie? Bah! I didn't realize how good Firefly was until it hit DVD. Not having Showtime, I never watched Dead Like Me until it aired on Sci-Fi.
It was the latter that finally made me ante up the bucks for Wonderfalls. I caught one episode of the short-lived Fox TV show and don't remember being particularly impressed. Most people I knew thought it was a copy of Joan of Arcadia, but I never saw that, either.
After falling head over heels for Dead Like Me, I noticed that Wonderfalls had some of the same creative people behind it, particularly Bryan Fuller and Tim Minear. The DVD set had been on my wishlists at Amazon and DeepDiscountDVD since it came out, but I hesitated, waiting for it to be on sale. A couple of weeks ago, I bit the bullet and ordered it.
Yup, it was every bit as good as DLM -- maybe even better. I devoured all 13 episodes over the course of a weekend. The cast was fantastic. The quirky stories kept me engaged and craving more. Hell, I can't even get Andy Partridge's theme song out of my head! I'm watching all the episodes again, this time reviewing the extras and commentary. (The music video for the theme song mentioned two sentences back is a hoot!)
Do yourself a favor -- support quality storytelling and excellence in acting and buy (or borrow or rent, whatever) Wonderfalls: The Complete Viewer Collection.