The Great Big Show Review
Missie and I went to see my favorite band, Great Big Sea, in Cleveland last Saturday night at the House of Blues. We had dinner first at HOB. The catfish bites and sweet potato fries appetizer was delicious. I had the meatloaf (pretty good -- mine is better) and key lime pie. Our waitress was the real treasure of the dining experience. She was sweet and funny, attentive without hovering. She held Missie's leftovers for us until after the show, which impressed the hell out of both.
Then came the show. When I bought out tickets online the choices were general admission (standing, first come, first served) downstairs or more expensive balcony seats. Imagine our surprise to see the general admission area lined with chairs, right up to the stage! Had I known this, I would have paid less and gotten better seats. As it was, we couldn't see the entire left side of the stage. Fortunately, we could see Alan, Sean and Bob, so all was not lost.
There was no opening act, just two glorious sets of GBS. The Cleveland show happened to be the 13th birthday of the band, and much merriment was made by all. Alan was as gregarious as usual. He was also in particularly good voice for this show. Bob played so many different instruments, I lost count. He also sang lead on his songs with gusto.
Sean was the biggest surprise. His hair is on the longish side -- the longest I've seen it. And while I would never accuse him of being bashful on stage, he was the most animated I've ever seen him! He danced jigs and jumped around. At one point, he even took to the drum kit. He made a double entendre of the word "boat" that will forever color the way I listen to some of their songs. Like Alan, he was in particularly good voice. And have I mentioned how goddamn cute he is?
The show set featured a good mix of the traditional Newfoundland songs from the new record and their popular older tunes. As usual, everyone in the audience knew the words to every song and sang along. Most every song encourage clapping and jumping around. I spent most of the second set on my feet.
Finally, after two encores, the show ended and the lights came up. I was tired and sweaty and had a 45-minute drive home ahead of me. I can't imagine being in a better place.
God, when's the next Great Big Show?