CeltTim's BlogSpot

The rantings and life stuff of an ordinary guy with an extraordinary vocabulary.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Suckage Gets Worse

After my visit to the ER, the fever never went away. My throat improved a bit, but every day, and worse, every night, I faced either drenching sweats or bone-jarring chills. Then on Wednesday (three days after my ER trip) my left leg started to swell. By Thursday, I was having trouble walking on it. The fever never subsided. My appetite disappeared, although I was constantly thirsty. On Friday, I noticed a rash on my left calf. A week of 100+ degree fevers had me run down and, quite frankly, feeling like I wanted to die. I decided to go to the doctor.

Actually, I haven't had a family physician for years. So, I called a friend who is a nurse and asked for recommendations. I didn't hear back for hours. When he did finally respond, it was with a string of names, but no way to contact them. While I was waiting, I called my brother, who gave me the name, address and phone number of his doctor. That doctor saw me the same day.

When he looked at my throat, he said, "You got a strep in there!" I explained that the hospital did a strep test and it came back negative. He shook his head. When he looked at my leg, even I was surprised. The swelling had increased dramatically -- my left foot was about twice the size of my right. And the rash now encompassed my entire calf, ankle and foot. The doctor told me it was cellulitis, infected skin, probably caused by the strep infection, and he feared there might be a blood clot lurking beneath it. He wanted me admitted to the hospital ASAP.

Before I could check into the hospital, clot or no, I had to do something with Jake. So I drove home, picked him up and dropped him off at the kennel, stopped to get that week's comics and drove to the hospital.

The hospital stay is a blog unto itself, but long story short I was hospitalized for five days of IV antibiotics, a midnight ultrasound that confirmed I did not have a blood clot, a seemingly infinite number of blood draws, tests, pokes and prods. A few friends visited, notably my friend Mike who saved me by stopping at my house and getting my cell phone charger; Kiehl, who drove my truck home for me when I was discharged; my co-workers Ingrid, who saved my sanity by bringing me magazines and puzzle books, and Brian who offered to bring me non-hospital food; Duane and Tim, who hosted the New Years Eve party where I probably caught the strep (not their fault, of course) and my brother.

I was finally released on a Tuesday evening. I stopped on the way home to pick up the numerous prescriptions for oral antibiotics and glucophage. Kiehl and Mike kept me company that first evening, ordering pizza and watching TV with me. Wednesday we had yet another blizzard and I was afraid of hobbling into the office through the ice and snow. My left leg was still swollen and sore. Thursday I went back to work. Friday after work, I picked Jake up at the kennel. I seemed to be on the mend. Seeming ain't believing.

Friday night I started itching. By Saturday morning I had a rash everywhere: the palms of my hands, the inside of my mouth, everywhere. I called my doctor who sent me back to the ER for evaluation. A few hours later, I was admitted again due to an allergic reaction to the antibiotics. I've never had a drug reaction in my life. First time for everything, I guess.

Because Jake was at home, I had to arrange a way to get him to the kennel. The AWESOME folks at Alta-Vistah offered to pick him up if someone could let them in the house. My friend Mike agreed to meet them and get that handled. He once again brought me my charger and a stack of comics I had already picked up.

This hospitalization was shorter -- filled with just as many IV's, needles and tests, but only over the course of Saturday, Saturday night and Sunday. I was given different antibiotics, steroids and drugs to help alleviate the itching from the rash. Sunday afternoon I was discharged, though only through the efforts of my valiant nurse. Again I stopped at the pharmacy with prescriptions for new antibiotics, including one that cost $130. Ouch.

I haven't missed any more work and my doctor said yesterday that I am definitely on the mend. Tomorrow is my last day of antibiotics and steroids. The rash is greatly diminished, but still present and still itchy. I've lost 25 lbs.

So, 2011 is still The Year of the Suck But Not-In-A-Good-Way.


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Okay, so...that sucks! I have had allergic reactions to antibiotics. One of note: once in 7th grade I started having a reaction to a new antibiotic the day after a sleep over with a friend, during which we had watched the movie Dolls. I was sure I was shrinking and turning into a doll as on the movie...instead I was swelling, a la Violet at Wonka's factory...

I hope all gets better for you, dear friend! I'll be there for a visit again in no time, I promise!


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