Prettiest. Hippies. EVER.

HAIR was the next show in our Playhouse Square package and I'll confess to being a bit dubious. I've seen several productions of the 60's musical and while always fun, it feltlike a show that is short on plot, basically a collection of songs. However, I was curious to see if this production featured the lone nude scene or if it got toned down for the sake of the bluehairs that most often attend these kinds of touring shows.
First things first: this was the most physically beautiful cast I have ever seen in musical theater. And I'm not just saying that because I got to see them naked. Yes, the nudity remained and Ye Gods, was it fun to see!
Exhibit A:

Not only was the cast GORGEOUS, they were the most tuneful, playful, interactive cast for this show I have ever seen. I loved every minute of this show and that is entirely a credit to the cast. The handsome guy in the center of the photo above is Steel Burkhardt (swear to Goddess, that's his name) who managed to be sexy, ethereal, yet earthy as central character Berger (I prefer Banana Berger).

Ryan Link's "Woof" (far right bottom corner of the photo above, kneeling) was a scene-stealer. Phyre Hawkins' ("Dionne") version of Aquarius gave me chills. Sara King delivered an impressive "Sheila." But, it was difficult to take my eyes off this:

Tribe member Marshal Kennedy Carter is just so gosh-darned fit. He also has an incredible voice, as exhibited when he sang "What a Piece of Work Is Man."
Sadly, none of the beautiful people joined us at Bricco after the show. Missie and I gave the performance two thumbs up and both agreed that if the hippies in the 60's were actually this pretty, the Summer of Love would never end and right now, we would be a multi-racial culture of gorgeous second-generation free-lovers.
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