Year End Lists: 2011 in Personal Review
Media loves condensing events into lists, and nevermore than at year-end. So, here are my lists for seeing 2011 out the door...
The Top Five Worst Things for CeltTim in 2011:
#5 - I lost an old friend, Carolyn Beck. We became estranged some years ago and now that can never be made right. Still, I will forever treasure her quirky, sparkling wit and voracious intelligence.
#4 - I was not always as financially responsible as I would have liked. My only defense is that the medical bills spawned by suckage #1 made this especially difficult.
#3 - Frustration at work made me waste far too much time being angry and whiny. Time lost with negativity is never recaptured. Move on. No Day But Today.
#2 - The economy. I'm tired of watching friends lose jobs and lose homes and suffer upheaval and not be able to do something about it. Occupy Washington with non-politicians. Muzzle the Religious Right. DO FRIGGIN' SOMETHING!
#1 - Being hospitalized last January rocked my world and not in the good way. Accentuating the positive, I saw medical professionals at their best and learned who my real friends are. Clarity counts for something, right?
The Top Five Best Things for CeltTim in 2011:
#5 - (Those of you with delicate sensitivities should move on to #4. Really. Nothing to see here.) I got my freak on way more than anyone of my age, size and general appearance should ever have the right. Wowser. And for this, I thank the Almighty Electronic Gods and Goddesses.
#4 - I remained gainfully employed for the entire year, frustration notwithstanding. I still love my job, generally, and enjoy the people who work with me. I even manage to have a couple of good, real friends from there.
#3 - My auditory and optical nerves absorbed some damn fine entertainment this year: Doctor Who, Captain America, Thor, Glee, et al. Comics continue to be a passion and even "The New 52" turned out pretty good. But the thing that moved me the most started in a real theater, acted out by real human beings and then became an electronic obsession: next to normal. I miss the mountains.
#2 - Jake. 'Nuff said.
#1 - I got to spend some quality time with good friends in 2011. My friend Tammy both came to Akron to see me and I got to go to Chicagoland to visit her. Missie is my partner in crime and musical theater. Time spent with Lisa & George always makes me feel good about myself. Mike, Kiehl & Tim are family. Jim brings me joy on so many levels. Bob & Beverly are my surrogate parents. I am well and truly blessed.
So long, 2011; farewell; auf wiedersehen; adieu. Welcome 2012. Show me what you gots.
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