Broadway Series #1: Million Dollar Quartet Rocked!

I went to Million Dollar Quartet with a bit of trepidation. Last season's "tell the story with the songs of" show, Jersey Boys was a decent show, but not my favorite.
However, the Saturday matinee Missie and I attended was energizing and fun. The show, a recreation of a studio session at Sun Records with Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and the lone show-created female character, Dyanne. Most of the songs were familiar and all of the performances were expertly delivered. In the introduction to the show, the announcer immediately sets the expectation that the actors are also musicians -- there is no pre-recorded music in the show.

Of particular note was Derek Keeling's performance as a young Johnny Cash. He beautifully recreated Cash's deep, soulful voice and added a degree of sexiness I had never considered in the "real" Man in Black. Cody Slaughter's Elvis was also especially convincing and soulful. Even Christopher Ryan Grant's performance as Sun's founder Sam Phillips was thoroughly enjoyable.
The onstage smoking surprised me, although it was perfectly in keeping with the the show's 1956 setting. The show is performed in a single act without intermission, making it seem even faster than the most upbeat of the show's tunes.
This is one of the highest compliments I can give a show I have never watched before: I would happily see it again. Well done, MDQ!
Next show in our package: La Cage Aux Folles.
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