Big Boys Rule Food Network Tuesday Nights!
Tuesday night summer TV is usually a bland choice of reruns or The Real World. But Food Network has schedule a block of programming featuring two of the cutest husky men to grace the tube!

First, at 10:00 Paula Deen's sons have a show called "Road Tasted" that has them sampling restaurant and retail cuisine from all over the country. Oldest brother Jamie is a delight -- all Southern blue-eyed charm and soul patch and unbelievable dimples. Younger brother Bobby, the shorter, less husky bro, is also handsome, but Jamie is too cute for words.
Then at 10:30 Ham on the Street is back for another season with hunky George Duran, who I discussed in a previous blog. He back, he's Venezuelan, he has that delicious little tuft of fur that sticks above his shirt collar and he's a big boy. Yowsa!

To paraphrase Scarlett O'Hara, "With Food Network, I shall never go hungry (for Beautiful Big Boys) again!"
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