Kev in the Dream Zone
Brief bursts of updates today...
My friend Tim is visiting today from Chicagoland, and I have to clean like a whirlwind, in addition to doing laundry, mowing the lawn before it rains and making a trip to the Post Office to drop off an eBay sale. Egad. So nothing lengthy!
Somehow, in May I managed to miss blogging about the 4th anniversary of writing this blog. Where does the time go? Back in May of 2005, I was talking to my friend Doug about the ending of the musical Wicked and he said, "get a blog." So I did. And I still do.
Last night/this morning I had a wonderful dream about this guy:

In the dream, we met at a convention appearance of his, hit it off immediately as friends and did some cool stuff together. I remember waking, looking at the clock, pushing myself back to sleep and using my sole superpower, lucid dreaming, to go back to the dream. In the rejoined dream, it was winter and Kevin and I made ice dummies resembling he and his wife. I dunno... go figure a dream. There was more, but the details are already slipping away. Curse me for not starting this earlier!
I came away from the dream with warm, positive feelings about Mr. Smith. Of course, I've always had warm, positive feelings about the man -- I've hung out on his web board for over a decade and met him many times in person. But somehow, my dreams made him more real to me. More human? Dunno. But I like it.
Crap. It's getting cloudy. Time to hit the lawn.
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