Moobys Maraud Megacon!

My Orlando trip is now just a memory. Here are some highlights:
Thursday, March 6 - Arrive in Orlando via Airtran, narrowly avoiding an ice storm back home. Pick up rental car after a longish wait and head to townhouse. Townhouse isn't ready, so get directions to local Publix grocery store to obtain alcohol and foodstuffs. Met there by roomies Nicole, her husband Joe and the spendiferous Tami. Eat lunch at a sub shop, then on to townhouse. Townhouse is FANTASTIC -- honey, roomy, welcoming. Settle into bedroom I will be sharing with Tami and Rob. Hang out for a bit until roomies leave for birthday party at local English pub for Boardie DouglasFir (Paul). I intended to join them in progress after meeting up with another Boardie, my dear friend Tammy, who happen to be in Orlando on business. Rob arrives at the townhouse and I chill with him for a bit, watching "Lost" until I get a text from Tammy to meet her at her Disney hotel. Drive in an unfamiliar state, in the dark, in the DRIVING rain. Hook up with Tammy (joy!) and have a drink in the bar, catching up on wedding plans, her new job and lifestuff. Can't convince Tammy to come to birthday party, but by the time we're done the party is over and everyone's back at the townhouse. Hang for a bit, hit the sack, ignore nocturnal goingson.
Friday, March 7 - Hang with roomies for a bit. Townhouse is located very close to convention center, so make the quick drive over and get Megacon bracelets, check out con for a bit. Drive roomies in the Taurus wagon I rented to Downtown Disney for group dinner at Planet Hollywood. Run through DD until reservation is ready and then sprint back to restaurant. Have excellent meal (L.A. Lasagna)and watch everyone else drink a lot, but can't imbibe because I'm designated. ARRGH! Drive drunks back to townhouse and greet final roomies: Terri and Brad.
Saturday, March 8 - Dress in Mooby gear and sit in traffic with Tami and Rob, waiting to get into Megacon. Sing through the entire CD of "Buffy: Once More with Feeling." (Awesome geek moment - although Rob didn't singalong, he was very patient and indulgent of Tami and I.) Walking into con, have youngish couple ask to have out photos taken with their children. Meet up with the rest of the Moobys for group photos before dispersing. Walk through con with Tami. (This is our true bonding experience.) Buy a cool print of Lost In Space casts - TV and movie. Go to media guest autograph area with the books and photos I brought and end up getting nothing signed. See "Garibaldi" from Babylon 5 just standing around -- not a guest, just hanging out at the con. He's taller than I thought, but still sexy. Arrange dinner at tapas restaurant, Cafe Tu Tu Tango. Again, act as designated driver. Have the black bean soup and try to converse over the really loud sound system. The artsy atmosphere is fantastic, but the ambiance is spoiled by the noise. Drive drunks back to townhouse, which becomes party central as remaining Boardies arrive. Have a few drinks, tire out and go to bed. Robbie has already left the party and we lay in our respective beds watching his Family Guy DVD.
Sunday, March 9 - Roomies do the park thing while I go back to Megacon and pick up some cheap figures and merch. Walk the con by myself, hoping to run into other Boardies, but don't. Attend "panel" by Mark Goddard of "Lost in Space." Sit amused and amazed by his stories and New England accent. Attend second panel with Gil Gerard (who looks good -- much better than he did at Wizard World a few years back)and Erin Gray. Leave con and go shopping for dinner: pot roast, veggies, salad, rolls, key lime pie and Deanna Troi sundaes. Prepare dinner and await Boardie return. Eat dinner (a success!) and then sit as a group and watch Shaun of the Dead with roomies. Go to bed, watching South Park marathon on TV with Rob and Tami.
Monday, March 10 - Say goodbye to Joe & Nicole, hang with roomies until they leave for Universal, then drive to Downtown Disney and do some shopping. Buy Disney Star Wars figs and make a lightsaber. Drive "home" and hang for a bit before driving to timeshare to pickup Gavin and Karen. Check out their digs, feed the ducks then drive back to townhouse, drink a bit and await return of roomies. Rob insists that after being the designated repeatedly, it's my turn to get effed up. So, we (Karen, Tami, Brad, Gavin Rob and I) drink all night, playing circle of death and getting pretty messed up. Go to bed at 4:30, knowing I have to get up in a few hours to drive to the airport. Rob and Tami moved into the vacant bedroom, so I have the room to myself. Sleep fitfully for one so inebriated.
Tuesday, March 11 - Wake early, shower, pack and wake roomies in preparation for being out of the townhouse by 10:00 a.m. Say sad goodbyes, then drive Gavin and Karen back to their timeshare. Drive alone to airport, turn in rental car, get through security and wait for flight, texting roomies and missing them horribly. Come back to Ohio, where I managed to avoid a blizzard and 1-1/2 feet of snow. Home from airport, I can't pull into driveway because it is blocked with snow and ice. Shovel for two hours before pulling in and unloading. Pick up Jake from kennel and settle back into "real world."
Yearn for return to Orlando and Board friends. Rinse. Repeat.
Seriously, my roommates, Nicole, Joe, Tami, Rob, Terri, Brad, Jake and Rebbecca were the bomb. I couldn't wish for better people with whom to share living space. And the other Boardies who spent time with me in Orlando (Gavin, Ben, Karen, Paul, Simon, and the rest) were beyond wonderful as well. Prom aside, this was one of the best vacations I've ever had.
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